About Us

Hi, we are Fabio and Valeria πŸ™‚

Nice to meet you!

We are an Italian couple, our names are Fabio and Valeria.

We currently live in Premantura and we are in love with Istria and all that this area offers.

We started visiting Istria by chance about 10 years ago and we never abandoned it, until, in 2021, we bought this villa from a wonderful couple of Germans, Erika and Bernd whom we will always thank for their availability and their friendship.

In the photo you can see us at the end of Color Run, an event we took part in a few years ago. During this city run, participants are coloured as they run through the streets of the city and eventually shrink as you see us.

Don’t worry, we’re usually clean πŸ™‚

We love company and we like to make our guests feel at home by creating a comfortable, clean and spacious environment.

We stay in an apartment in the basement of the Villa with completely independent access which has a private terrace.

Fabio particularly loves this area, he loves to tour the coastline by SUP and he has the opportunity too to practice many sports, especially mountain biking, which is his big passion. Therefore, you might come across him riding his bicycle while he cycles along one of the various trails.

Me, Valeria, who am lazier, I love to take relaxing walks in the park and practice yoga by the sea, as well as cooking, of course.